Friday 25 October 2019

Some Healthy Foods For A Healthy Spine

Today, people are suffering from many types of spine problems. These problems take place due to several reasons such as poor diet and improper body posture. These problems can be resolved with the help of best spine surgeon Lucknow. Otherwise, it will impact the regular activities of the people. Thus, get treatment for spine problems as soon as possible. Take the proper treatment and diet to get rid of such problems. To avoid these problems, change your diet. Here are some foods that should be added to your diet to avoid spine issues.

Vitamin B12: This vitamin helps to get healthy bone and spine to function properly. Such vitamins are available in meat products like red meat, fish and poultry and dairy products like cheese, milk and yoghurt.

Vitamin A: This vitamin enhances immunity and repairs tissue. Carrots, spinach, chicken, sweet potatoes, dairy products and beef etc rich in vitamin A.

Vitamin D: it assists to enhance absorption of calcium in the body and develops strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D is available in egg yolks and natural sunlight.

Vitamin K: spine doctor Lucknow suggest to add pork, dairy products and green leafy vegetables in the diet because these foods are rich in vitamin K. This vitamin makes bones strong and healthy.

Sulphur: sulphur helps in creating collagen. Cauliflower, cabbage, onions are rich in sulphur.

Calcium: doctor for back pain Lucknow recommended calcium for healthy bones. It boosts bone health and bone mass. It can be found in green vegetables, dairy products, black beans, almonds etc. 

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